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Saturday, September 11, 2004

Enough already, please 

First it was Charley, then Frances, and now Ivan. We must have really done something to tic God off. We don't know what it was, but we're really really sorry. Can you please move this thing away from our devastated state? Isn't it enough that people have lost homes and lives or been flooded and lost power? Isn't it enough that people are scared and miserable just waiting for the other shoe to drop? Whatever it takes believe me we are willing to do to get just a little relief, we promise.

Frances smothered the entire state with her wrath. Every single person in this state was affected by her in one way or another. Closer to home, my sister and her husband had to evacuate because they live in a mobile home. My elderly parents lost power for two days but luckily had plenty of food and batteries on hand to get through. My other sister and her husband, visiting from Maryland, lost power for the entire time they were here and had to come stay with us. We lost some tree limbs and had a leak in our kitchen from the rain driving in, but overall were extremely lucky.

So now comes Ivan. Everyone I know is trying to prepare. In fact, most people haven't unpacked/unloaded/unbuttoned since last weekend. People are clamoring for gas, taking every last bottle of water and loaf of bread from the stores, and hitting the banks like crazy. Some folks are so weary of it that they've boarded up their homes and put a for sale sign in the front yard. I've never been in a war situation, but I can only imagine this must be just a little of what many folks feel like.

My mother offered each of us in the family rosary beads and told us to say our prayers as often as we can. And we are. We're watching the weather channel and, in between, keeping an eye on other channels hoping and praying Ivan will turn. We all would really appreciate it if this thing would move west just a little. If you're listening, God, please?

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