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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Glory Lily 

My husband was dropping my mother off at her house when she told him to go look on the windowsill. There rested a slightly dried up lily-looking flower. When he asked where it came from she said that my sister had found it in the side garden and broke it off to show her. It then came home to me for identification. It's a Glory Lily.

Gloriosa Lily or Glory Lily is originally from Tropical Africa and climbs about 6 feet or so using "finger tip" tendrils. The flowers are beautiful with 6 segments that bend back to reveal a yellow throat and long stamen. Grown by tuber, the vine prefers light shade and a rich soil but doesn't need to be over-watered. My first thought was to start it in one of my gardens. But the more research I did the more I learned that this plant is extremely poisonous to both humans and animals.

According to a couple of sites, if the tuber is ingested it can cause severe gastroentritis and vomiting. Per the ASPCA, animals can also experience liver and kidney damage. Obviously this is one flower that will need to be admired from afar - never in our yard. Happy Florida Gardening.

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