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Monday, May 10, 2004

Ants and bees 

The thing I've noticed since moving down here is that the bees don't bite, but the ants do. In the north, it was just the opposite phenomenon. I was always getting stung, but the ants weren't a problem.

It's not just the fire ants we have to worry about either. It's all ants. No matter the size or color, they always bite me. I went out to pick up the paper in the front yard the other morning, and by the time I got it out of the wrapper I had gotten bit. How do I know? The bite begins to itch and then raises up like a little white pimple.

So what's the remedy? Amdro is my favorite stuff. I sprinkle it around the mound and shortly thereafter the ants are gone. It has something to do with the worker ants taking the contaminated food to the queen. Once she expires, they move on. Many of my Florida garden books recommend diazinon or dursban, but both are bad for the environment although effective.

My dad swears by grits. It's supposed to blow up the ants after they eat too much. I have to share, however, that my parents have the best ant hills in town, thereby dispelling that myth. I'll bet there's lots of other remedies out there so please share if you can. I'd like to hear about them.

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